Regenerative therapy “Smart cell therapy”
Regenerative aesthetic methods utilise natural proteins known as growth factors and other blood components of treated individuals injected into the skin and deeper to facilitate faster repair and regeneration naturally.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)
PRP is a plasma concentrate of platelets rich in growth factors which are involved in tissue repair through stimulation of stem cells and fibroblasts to produce new blood vessels, collagen and elastin fibres. PRP has an up to fourfold concentration of platelets compared with blood, making it four times more powerful. PRP blood is collected into sterile tubes with an anticoagulant and artificial growth factor activator.
Evidence base
PRP technology has been used in sports medicine, orthopedics, anti-ageing and sexual medicine, based on a small number of clinical studies and case reports, in-depth reviews of clients and celebrities like Kim Kardashian who made the Vampire Facial® a global phenomenon. This treatment and others such as the O-Shot® and P-Shot® were created by US doctor Dr Charles Runels who trademarked these procedures.

iPRF - Platelets Rich Fibryn
is the next generation in anti-ageing therapies. iPRF was invented by Dr. Joseph Choukroun in 2016. It allows us to isolate various fractions from whole blood collected from an individual. iPRF is injected via a very fine needle (technique used in mesotherapy) into the area(s) of concern, to activate healing and regeneration.
iPRF intensifies the functioning and reproduction of cells. As a result, new fibroblasts, collagen and elastin fibres are formed resulting in an improvement in skin thickness and elasticity, reduction of pigmentation and an improved complexion.
iPRF is a natural way to enhance and improve many concerns: skin rejuvenation, reduction of pigmentation, scars and stretchmarks, vaginal rejuvenation, hair loss and enhancement of effects of other procedures.
Evidence base
The PRF technology was invented by Dr Joseph Choukroun to originally facilitate regeneration of bone and better outcome of dental implants and is backed by strong research. Dr Choukroun explains that fibrin functions as a matrix that traps the platelets and controls their release of growth factors “very slowly and continuously over a time period of more than one week”. It’s not the amount of growth factors that’s the most important, but that it is released into the site. Another differentiating factor between PRF and PRP is collection of the blood into sterile tubes without any anticoagulants or growth factor activators. It is therefore important to carry out this procedure swiftly before liquid fibrin turns into a clot. Liquid fibrin injected into the tissues turns into a gel which fills spaces and wrinkles and slowly releases it's components over a sustained period of time into the injected tissue.
The principle of facilitating tissue repair and regeneration using an extract of blood called platelets rich plasma (PRP) or platelets rich fibrin (iPRF) have been used in orthopedics, sports medicine and dentistry for some time. These novel methods have been introduced into aesthetics several years ago to rejuvenate facial skin (Vampire® Facial, Dracula® Facelift), stimulate hair growth, facilitate faster healing after laser treatments and even improve sexual function (P-Shot®, O-Shot®).
Step 1: Collection of blood into sterile and certified tubes using sterile technique
Step 2: Centrifugation of collected blood causing platelets to separate from other components of blood.
Step 3: Delivery of PRP or iPRF (liquid fibrin) into the skin by injecting it using fine, sterile needles or an application onto the surface of the skin in combination with microneedling.
Treated conditions;
Hair loss
Skin ageing and pigmentation
Erection enhancement (P-Shot®)
Orgasm enhancement (O-Shot®)
Scar revision
After laser procedures
Benefits of PRP &iPRF
Smoother, firmer, brighter skin
Reduction of hair loss and stimulation of new, thicker hair growth
Improvement of scars including those caused by acne
Enhancement of the size of the penis and penile erections
Enhancement of the appearance and sensitivity of the treated area
More intense and easier achieved orgasms
Less vaginal dryness and painless sex
Better sex drive
Better quality of life
Improvement of chronic inflammatory skin conditions like lichen sclerosus
Exclusion criteria to PRP and PRF
1. Blood disorders
2. Cancers
3. Chronic liver diseases
4. Acute and chronic infections
5. Pregnancy and lactation
6. Treatment with anticoagulants
7. The use of aspirin and other NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
Pain control
Pain is controlled with an application of a numbing cream
You may develop redness, mild swelling and tenderness which should resolve within 24-48 hours. Bruising is rare and may last for about 10 days.
Number of treatments
Number of treatments depends on the treated condition. Minimum 3 treatments one month apart followed by maintenance every 6-12 months are recommended.
Intimate Aesthetics
Intimate body parts are vulnerable to ageing and other factors such as friction, irritation or unwanted growth of hair, warts or skin tags. Skin of the external genital parts becomes thinner, dryer and less elastic with darkening of the skin caused by friction or post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH).
Life events such as vaginal delivery of a baby or ageing and menopause may result in changes to the vaginal wall making it loose or too tight with poor lubrication, loss of sensation, poor sexual satisfaction and painful sex.
Fotona SP Dynamis laser with it's erbium:YAG and Nd:YAG twinlight laser technology and unique, patented and clinically proven non-ablative erbium:YAG Smooth® mode
Laser or chemical peel also known as "genital bleaching"
Laser removal of unwanted hair (bikini, hollywood, brasilian)
Laser removal or warts, skin tags, pearly penile papules
Laser vulvo-vaginal rejuvenation
Laser episiotomy, cesarean section scar revision