Excessive sweating
Excessive sweating is a troublesome and embarrassing condition when sweat glands produce more sweat than required and sometimes for no apparent reason when your body does not require to cool down. It may be triggered by anxiety. Excessive sweating is common. It can affect the whole body or some parts. It can be significantly reduced with antiperspirants, wearing cotton, breathable clothes or injections of muscle relaxant botulinum toxin type A or microneedling radiofrequency like SylFirm X
Double chin
A double chin is caused by excess fat under the chin. It makes the neck look bigger and may change facial contour, excess weight in the chin and neck and an older appearance. Localised fat deposits under the chin often persist in spite of weight loss and exercise. They can be dissolved with fat melting injections, laser TightSculpting treatment or radiofrequency.
Bingo wings
Bingo wings are a result of excess fatty tissue (or a lack of muscle mass) that stretches the skin. They are associated with weight loss, poor body mass, genetic factors and the aging process resulting in thinning of the skin caused by loss of collagen and dehydration. There are many treatments which can minimise the appearance of "bingo wings" including skin tightening using SylFirm X microneedling radiofrequency, injections of collagen stimulators like Sculptra aesthetic or Lanluma or skin boosters with polynucleotides with results lasting for 2 years or longer
Episiotomy scar
Episiotomy or a perineal tear during vaginal delivery of a baby may result in formation of scar tissues which can become sensitive, raised and painful. It may cause discomfort during daily activities or during sexual intercourse.
Treatments may include massage, injections of hyaluronic acid or SylFirm X Ultimate microneedling radiofrequency or fractional erbium laser resurfacing.
Loose vagina
A more accurate way to describe a "loose vagina" is vaginal laxity. The idea of having a ‘loose vagina’ can be very unsettling for many females. Vaginas are incredibly resilient. The walls of the vagina are made of muscle and contain layers of tissue with lots of elastic fibres allowing the vagina to expand and contract during sex and childbirth. Even after vigorous intercourse or having a baby, the vagina will eventually snap back to its original shape. Ageing process and multiple vaginal childbirths may cause the vagina to stretch or loosen (becomes lax). When the vagina doesn’t feel as tight as it should, what we have is referred to as a ‘loose vagina’ - which in a majority of cases can be treated with various methods for vaginal rejuvenation using Fotona Laser Smooth ® Way
Tight vagina
A vagina that feels tight can make it painful to insert anything from a tampon to a penis. Causes include: childbirth, vaginal infections, vaginismus, vestibulitis, menopausal or post cancer treatment hormonal imbalance presenting with dryness, loss of lubrication, atrophy of vaginal tissue and painful sex (dyspareunia). Treatments include oestrogen creams which can be messy, lubricants or vaginala laser rejuvenation Fotona Laser Smooth® Way.
Poor bladder control
Poor bladder control also known as stress incontinence is caused by weakening of the pelvic floor muscles resulting in pee leaking out when your bladder is under pressure (life when you laugh, cough, sneeze, exercise or lift something heavy).
Urge incontinence is caused by an overactivity of the detrusor muscles, which control the bladder. It presents as a feeling of a sudden and very intense need to pee and being unable to stop it. You can have a mixed incontinence – having both stress and urge incontinence. Causes of poor bladder control include: being overweight, family history of incontinence, getting older, after pregnancy and childbirth. Treatment may include pelvic floor exercises (Kegel exercises). Mild to moderate cases of poor bladder control have been clinically proven to improve it with Fotona Laser Smooth® Way.
​Loss of sexual satisfaction
Sex is a complex, important and sensitive issue. Sexual satisfaction has a very important role in creating marital or relationship satisfaction and any defect in sexual satisfaction is significantly associated with risky sexual behaviors, serious mental illness, social crimes and ultimately divorce. People who have a degree of sexual satisfaction have considerably better quality of life than those who reported no sexual satisfaction. The lack of sexual satisfaction is more common in women compared to men. Causes are multifactorial and include stress, ill health, obesity, poor body image, mental health problems, medication and hormonal imbalance due to menopause. This can be compounded by social factors, religious beliefs and personal attitudes.
When sexual satisfaction is diminished or lost due to physical changes due to loose or tight vagina after childbirth, vaginal delivery or menopause it can be improved with the use of lubricants, Fotona Laser Smooth Way, injections of hyaluronic acid into the vagina or platelets rich plasma ( PRP) to improve sensation and sexual satisfaction.
Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (ED), also known as impotence, is the inability to get and maintain an erection. It is is a very common condition, particularly in older men. It is estimated that half of all men between the ages of 40 and 70 will have some degree of erectile dysfunction. Psychological causes include stress, performance anxiety or depression. Organic causes include diabetes, hypertension, medication or hormonal problems. In many cases erectile dysfunction has a mixed origin. Treatment consists of medicines known as PDE 5 Inhibitors ( Viagra or Cialis), vacuum pump, sex therapy.
Novel treatments such as injections of PRP - platelets rich plasma - into the penis known as P-Shot have been shown to be helpful in improving erectile function in a completely natural way through stimulation of better circulation and blood flow in the penis.
Orgasmic dysfunction
Orgasmic dysfunction is when a woman cannot reach orgasm, or has trouble reaching orgasm when she is sexually aroused. When sex is not enjoyable, it can become a chore instead of a satisfying, intimate experience for both partners. Sexual desire may decline, and sex may occur less often.
Many factors can lead to problems reaching orgasm. They include: a history of sexual abuse or rape, boredom in sexual activity or a relationship, fatigue and stress or depression, lack of knowledge about sexual function, negative feelings about sex (often learned in childhood or teen years), shyness or embarrassment about asking for the type of touching that works best, partner issues
Health problems that can cause problems reaching orgasm include:
Certain prescription medicines to treat depression known as SSRIs or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), and sertraline (Zoloft), hormonal disorders or changes, such as menopause, chronic illnesses that affect health and sexual interest, chronic pelvic pain, such as from endometriosis. Damage to the nerves that supply the pelvis due to conditions such as multiple sclerosis, diabetic nerve damage, and spinal cord injury and vaginal dryness.
Symptoms include:
Being unable to reach orgasm
Taking longer than you want to reach orgasm
Having only unsatisfying orgasms
Education and learning how to reach an orgasm, lifestyle changes, masturbation or the use of vibrator.
Novel method used to improve orgasmic function involves injections of platelets rich plasma known as PRP which is rich in growth factors from the affected individuals blood injected into genital tissues to stimulate better circulation, regeneration and better orgasm.